Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gundam 00 episode 9

Lockon's lookalike at the grave site he's visiting.

Lockon visiting a gravesite on earth and finds the same type of flowers he has already seen there. He then thinks that someone he knows has been there. About four months have passed since Celestial Being started their series of armed interventions and have engaged in more than sixty interventions. Meanwhile , their existence has gradually become a normality.The Human Reform League has created a special task force "Choubu" to annihilate the Celestial Being and capture their Gundams.At the moment, the Dynames and Exia are docking on the Ptolemaios for some maintanance. Allelujah questions Sumeragi regarding being attacked by enemies during the maintanence, but she answers that then she could only blame god.

Docking of Exia nearly completed.

The Human Reform League begin to launch ten thousand of their communication units to detect the Gundams, as the Gundam's GN Drive will disrupt the communication system, any area that are blacked out will be the place that the Gundams are hiding.

Communication units dispersing from the missile like objects and moving towards their designated locations.

On earth, while Saji and Louise were discussing their report topic, Louise's mom shows up and a lot of drama and misunderstanding happened. In the headquarters of JNN, Saji's sister, Kinue , tries to ask the editor to let her make an investigative report on Aeolia Schenberg, the man behind the foundation of the Celestial Being. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Azadistan which is experiencing a severe shortage of energy, is currently getting help from the United Nations.

The meeting of the First Princess of the Kingdom of Azadistan, Marina Ismail, with the U.N.'s Representative, Alejandro Corner.

Back on the Ptolemaios, Lichtendahl finds Christina doing double shift because Felt is not feeling well and he volunteered to take over Christina so that she could have her meal. Lockon finds Felt crying in a room, while , Christina feels awkward as she has to eat with Setsuna and Tieria who are not having any conversation.At the same time, Lichtendahl notices that the charging of the GN Drive of the Ptolemaios is fully charged but he misses out the alarm on Felt's display screen.

That's so nice of you! Too bad your not my type. (THAT'S HARSH)

As the GN Drive fully charge, it emits GN particles around the Ptolemaios which than disrupt the communication units send by the Human Reform League. With their communication units down, Colonel Sergei orders the special task force "Choubu" to launch their mobile suits immediately. Meanwhile, Felt tells Lockon that both of her parents were in Celestial Being as second-generation Gundam Meisters and today is their death anniversary. Lockon then praise Felt saying that she is a strong girl and says that his real name was Neil Dylandy, his origins and the reason he joins Celestial Being as it's unfair for only Felt to reveal her past. Allelujah then walks in into them and instantly says excuse me as he thought that he is interfering them, but Lockon exclaims that it's just a misunderstanding.

NO! This is a misunderstanding! (picture is not that dramatic though)

At the same time on the bridge, Christina returns from her meal and finds out that the location of the ship has been found out by the enemy.The Ptolemaios changes course to the nearest orbital ring and into the catapult mode, while the Gundam Meisters standby in their Gundams. Kyrios and Virtue launch to act as a diversion but Colonel Sergei of the Human Reform League counters it by using their own diversion.Exia and Dynames launch to standby infront of the Ptolemaios, but as the maintanance for Dynames is not complete, Dynames has to attach it's temporary leg to the container for support.After that, the Ptolemaios shifts it's priority to defensive mode, cutting out the regular power in the ship.

Switches to catapult mode.

As the ship is not armed and had only two Gundams, Sumeragi plans to hold out for six minutes against the enemy so that the other two Gundams will return.Exia and Dynames manage to destroy most of the missiles launch at the Ptolemaios but some of them get through their defence.Sumeragi immediately orders that the GN field to be activated.After that an unmanned kamikaze attack vessel tries to self-destruct with the Ptolemaios. Luckily, with his fast reaction, Lockon destroys the vessel before it reaches the Ptolemaios. In fear, Christina panics and is unable to control herself, but Felt calms her down by saying they will all survive.

Dynames blasting the missiles down.

After that,they find that the enemy's mobile suits are hiding behind their transport vessels and Setsuna indicates that they are a total of thirty six units.With Dynames unable to hit any and Exia only manages to take down one, the enemy's mobile suits retreats and try to lure Exia in.Sumeragi then notices that Colonel Sergei's objective is not the Ptolemaios but to capture the Gundams.She feels frustrate because she swore never to repeat her mistakes again.As Kyrios is making it's way to attack the enemy, it unknowingly enters into a minefield and receives explosions repeatedly.After coming out from the mine with no serious problem, Allelujah senses something familiar, which is the enhanced soldier from the Human Reform League, Soma Peiris.

Kyrios getting hit by mines.

After many episodes of Celestial Being basically win all their fights without any effort or making any deadly mistakes,this episode makes Gundam 00 a much more entertaining series to watch no doubt.

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