Saturday, December 1, 2007



Sola is basically a romance/supernatural/drama type anime which looks boring at first glance. But after I finished watching it I changed my mind. The storyline keeps me hooked, as it is not like the usual romance-typed anime, which usually have the same predicable storyline. The plot tells about Yorito Morimiya who loves to take pictures of the sky and Matsuri Shihou who is unable to look at the sky under the sunlight. Other notable characters are Aono Morimiya , Mana Ishizuki , Koyori Ishizuki , Takeshi Tsujidou and Mayuko Kamikawa. Character development are done well throughout the series.

From left : Koyori , Mana , Yorito , Matsuri , Aono , Mayuko , and Takeshi.

As for the art, its simple , yet I can't take my eyes away from it. So I suppose it is good?

Mana blocked Yorito from taking a picture of the sky.

OP and ED from Sola sounds great! The song "Binkan na Fuukei" by Ceui from the first episode is used as the OP song and later used as an insert song for episode nine. As for episode two through to thirteen, the song "Colorless Wind" by Aira Yuuki is used. "Mellow Melody" by Ceui is used as the ED song, while the final episode's ED is "Miageru Ano Sora de" by Aira Yuuki.

Random screen shot from OP song.

Overall, Sola is probably one of the best romance-typed anime for this year/2007, with regards to some comedy here and there.

Rating : 9/10

The good parts of this anime :

- Good storyline.
- Character development.
- Anime art.
- Great soundtracks.
- Notable group of seiyuu.

The bad.... :

- 13 episode series with an OVA and one special episode.

The good parts > The bad part. Highly recommended for viewing.


"Noob Lord from Hell" said...

Look nice will be watching it soon thanks for the reviews ^ ^
Nice one

Anonymous said...

romance anime?? haven seen b4 n mayb will watch it.. keep up da good work!!

yorito lover said...

This is actually a great anime. This was the first anime i have ever watched and i love it soooo much!!!!