Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Da Capo II episode 2

Looks surprised.

Episode 2 starts with Yume and Otome surprised that their brother has left for school earlier than usual.Yoshiyuki actually rushes to meet with Koko so they could walk to school together.On the way to school, Anzu and Akane tries to make them to hold hands, meanwhile , Yume and Otome catches up with them.Yoshiyuki tries to explain the situation to them but Yume, who is kinda pissed off, said "I'm just your sister so I don't care who you go out with."

Yume looked rather piss off.

At school, Yoshiyuki is reading his book about places to go on a date and then Koko invites him to have lunch together with the lunch she has made for him. Suginami suddenly appears out of nowhere and offers to tell them the best lunch spot in the school, which is unfortunately the horror spots instead.With Suginami saying out all the horror spots in the school, Yoshiyuki remembers the secret stairway that he discovered in Sakura's office and said it out. Suginami seems interested and checks his notebook but he can't find any information about it, Suginami then drags Yoshiyuki out from the classroom and into Sakura's office to explore it.They later arrive at the end of the passageway at the bottom of the stairs and found a capsule with a girl sleeping inside.Yoshiyuki accidentally presses the button and the girl awakens from her sleep.

Yoshiyuki get drag along while Wataru is depress that he don't have a girlfriend yet.

The girl, who calls herself Minatsu is angry at Yoshiyuki for activating her and questions why he did that. Suginami answers the questions by saying that it is just an accident out of curiosity that they got there and Yoshiyuki happens to push the button. Furious by the answer, since she wanted to sleep forever , Minatsu says that she hates two things in the world which is bananas and humans before punching Yoshiyuki.

3, 2 , 1 , Knockout!

Minatsu is then taken away when Mizukoshi-sensei shows up but Minatsu makes sure he got Yoshiyuki's name before going away. Mizukoshi-sensei explains that Minatsu is a special robot and ask them to forget everything they saw. Back at the class, since Yoshiyuki missed his lunch thanks to Suginami's help, he starved during the lesson. Even with the starvation, Yoshiyuki manages to concentrate during class as the topic is about robots which reminded him of Minatsu. He then asks the class representative about whether she thinks if there are robots that have the same emotions as humans have, but she doesn't think there are and even if there is she will never admit it.

Yoshiyuki ask the class representative about her opinion.

Later on, Yoshiyuki wonders if robots that has the emotion as humans have dreams too, but he decides that this has nothing to do with him since he won't be meeting with Minatsu again.To his horror, the next day Mizukoshi-sensei said that from today onwards Amakase Minatsu is a second-year student and ask Yoshiyuki to take care of her.As Minatsu still doesn't like him, Mizukoshi-sensei thinks that it would be good for him to try to be friends with her and have him an operating manual.Since Yoshiyuki is busy reading the manual he forgets about his promise to eat lunch with Koko.To atone for forgetting his promise, he decides to treat Koko to a crepe in the park.As he passes her the crepe, their hands meet and which causes them to get embarrassed and ends up sitting together on the bench for the whole afternoon.

What have we got here?

On their way home, they meet Yume who is showing Minatsu around the island. After knowing that Yoshiyuki is Yume's brother, Minatsu asks why that they have different family names.Yoshiyuki then answers by saying my family affairs has nothing to do with you. Suspicious, Yume and Koko asked how did he know about Minatsu as she only transferred in today. As he was finding an explanation, Minatsu's wristwatch loudly beeps.

Saved by the bell/beep!

Minatsu then panics as she can't find any banana in her bag and because of that her eyes turns red and smokes starts coming out from her ears. Before Yume and Koko notice what's going on, Yoshiyuki quickly carries Minatsu away from the scene. After that, Minatsu explains that she has to have the "Bananamine" in bananas once every eight hours or she will not be able to control herself. While searching for bananas, Yoshiyuki happens to come across Akane and Anzu eating some choco-bananas, he grabs it from them and gives it to Minatsu. She eventually recovers after eating the bananas, and she admits that she still hates eating bananas but when it's coated with chocolates it's easier to eat them.Minatsu then apologize for troubling Yoshiyuki, just after that, they were found by Yume, Koko, Akane and Anzu which would like some explanation about what's going on.

Girls are scary..... (No offence to anyone out there)

This episode is pretty much made for the introduction of Minatsu but it's not a bad episode after all.The episode keeps me smiling most of the time with its funny scenes throughout the episode.At this rate it will be a great series to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those baka think must use a damn account to post a comment wtf -,- they sux in internet???